Category: Poetry


Paper Tiger

Eileen Chong

by Eileen Chong 画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心。 When you draw a tiger, you draw its skin, but not its bones. When you know a person, you know their face, but not their heart.Continue readingPaper Tiger



Paolo Tiausas

by Paolo Tiausas A scattering of dumplings on a major road, my mother says, what a waste, and I think what a painful experience—the delivery boy in the story, IContinue readingMerienda



Antony Huen

by Antony Huen       1 . Leaves are green, rocks brown, the gold-backed metropolis orange; but a performer playing coy and the other eyeing her red, and a familyContinue readingNotes


The Guide

Donald Berger

by Donald Berger So I asked the guide how did you become a guide and he said, I had to learn to walk with pants and shoes, so the first one I watched who was wearingContinue readingThe Guide


Two Poems

Dean A. F. Gui

by Dean A. F. Gui SHANGHAI ……for Cissy Mary Law Noodt, my grandmother In the year of the earth Snake, on a moist Hong Kong morning, I nosed through aContinue readingTwo Poems

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