Category: MATWAALA


Two Poems

Usha Akella

by Usha Akella NAMING ….. for Jyoti, Delhi rape survivor ‘We want the world to know her real name. My daughter didn’t do anything wrong, she died while protecting herself.Continue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Ravi Shankar

by Ravi Shankar PYRAMID STARSHIP In the end the afrofuturists have it right— Time to move on, Funkadelic, light years in time so far ahead of our time that tight-Continue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Pramila Venkateswaran

by Pramila Venkateswaran ENTERPRISE Beyond the holy wall that soaks up tears, Is the familiar tan frown of day Accompanying our trips to the mall To visit Louis Voitton andContinue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Varsha Saraiya-Shah

by Varsha Saraiya-Shah MY PRANA IS A BIRD-OF-PARADISE On all fours I look like a tabletop. Lifting into a cow curling up like a cat.  How my teacher models. GoContinue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Vivek Sharma

by Vivek Sharma THE HAIRCUT REVOLUTION When Pa’s cousin’s wife Rati got a boy-cut haircut, all fifty villages, clan’s nearly all five thousand tongues christened her possessed. I was seven,Continue readingTwo Poems


Two Poems

Zilka Joseph

by Zilka Joseph MUMBAI GODDESSES We lived in Shivaji Park when I first asked my parents about Santa—because he brought presents, and my picture books showed him flying— in aContinue readingTwo Poems

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