Contributors / December 2016 (Issue 34)

Vishal Nanda
ImageVishal Nanda has dabbled in many professions over the years. He has won a Pacific Coffee gift card for his slam poetry, on the subjects of ocean and fatherhood, which he keeps unspent next to several other trinkets he has accumulated over the years. The poems themselves have been misplaced, as they were written on a scrap of paper at a bar. He has a BA in English and Related Literature and has spent a great deal of time writing poetry, song lyrics, jokes, speeches, bios, scripts, screen plays, plays, short stories, novels and the like, as he cannot quite help himself. Nanda can be found nervously performing spoken word most Wednesdays with the other Peel Street Poetry poets. You would like him, probably. [Peel Street Poetry]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.