Contributors / December 2013 (Issue 22)

Stephanie V Sears
ImageStephanie V Sears is a French-American ethnologist (PhD, University of Paris, EHESS) specialising in South Pacific cultures, a freelance journalist focusing primarily on equestrian, wildlife and environmental subjects, an essayist and a poet. She mostly shares her time between Europe and the United States, but has also made numerous trips to Far East Asia. These voyages have influenced her poetry, which has been, or will soon be, published in Aoife's Kiss, Empirical, Link (December 2013), Nimrod (Spring 2014), Poetry Salzburg, Iodine, The California Quarterly, Haggard & Halloo, among others. [Poetry]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.