Contributors / September 2010 (Issue 12)

Emily Lim
ImageEmily Lim, author of five books, is the 1st outside North America to win 3 medals at the IPPY Awards, the world's largest book awards, since its inception 14 years ago. She is also 1st in Southeast Asia to win at the Moonbeam Awards, one of the fastest growing US-based children's books competitions. Her first four books which she published under her Mustard Seed Books imprint, have all won an international award. The Tale of Rusty Horse won the 2009 Moonbeam Gold Medal, Prince Bear & Pauper Bear, Just Teddy and Bunny Finds The Right Stuff won IPPY Medals in 2008, 2009 and 2010 respectively. Her latest book Baby Panda Finds His Way, published by Autumn Wonders, is a tale of respect under its Asian Values series. More about Lim can be found here. [Read]

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