Photography & Art / July 2018 (Issue 40: Writing the Philippines)

Finding Home Through A Domestic Worker's Lens

by Dholeeh Ann Hidalgo

Artist Statement

I photograph everyday scenes in Hong Kong to document my life as a migrant/domestic worker here. Instead of photographing myself though, I decided to train my lens on the people and scenes around me. With this approach, I am more able to connect with the city and its people. Capturing candid moments that reflect my thoughts and life as a migrant helps me adapt to the city’s culture, its people and my living environment which in turn, makes me feel more at home. It also makes me understand more the life I have to face as a migrant.


Waiting for Lady Luck




Patiently Waiting


Brotherly Love



Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.