Contributors / June 2017 (Issue 36: Writing Japan)

Marsha McDonald
ImageMarsha McDonald lives and works between Wisconsin USA, Europe and Japan. She has been awarded Pollock-Krasner, Puffin, Mary Nohl Travel and New York Artist's Fellowships, as well as grants and residencies in Europe and Japan. She has also contributed to platforms for art, fiction and poetry, exhibiting in Venice, Paris, Budapest, Hamburg, New York, California, the American Midwest, and Japan. 2017 publications include The Cantabrigian (USA) and otoliths (AUS). She is currently collaborating with Art+Lit+Lab (WI), an American writing collective (MA) and French fiction writer Anca Cristofovici (Paris). Visit McDonald's website for more information. [Photography & art]

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Website © Cha: An Asian Literary Journal 2007-2018
ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.