Contributors / December 2013 (Issue 22)

Shamim Reza
ImageShamim Reza, one of the prominent poets of Bangla literature, was born on 8 March 1971 in Jhalokathi district, Bangladesh. He completed his BA Honours and MA in Bangla literature from Jahangirnagar University. He served for a long time as the literary editor and features editor of Ajker Kagoj, a national daily. He started teaching Bangla at Dhaka College, and now he teaches Bangla literature at Jahangirnagar University. Along with writing poetry, he writes short stories, dramas, novels and essays. His books of poetry include Fluvial Legends on Stone (2001), Nalonda, The Daughter of a Far Away World (2004), When Night Falls on Subornonogor (2006) and The School of the Universe (2009). He was awarded the Krittibas Prize for poetry in 2007 from India. [Translation]

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ISSN 1999-5032
All poems, stories and other contributions copyright to their respective authors unless otherwise noted.